MaidSafe would like to thank the following companies who have either provided their services free of charge or at a reduced cost on the basis that the SAFE network is open source. Collaboration is one of the many benefits of working within the open source community and it is great that these companies, while proprietary themselves, have embraced this spirit.

Advanced Installer
Powerful and easy to use Windows Installer authoring tool. Install, update and configure your products safely, securely and reliably.

Atlassian JIRA
JIRA is the tracker for teams planning and building great projects. Thousands of teams choose JIRA to capture and organize issues, assign work and follow team activity.

Powerful collaboration, code review and code management for open source and private projects.

Providing developers with smart, professional tools that help them write clean, quality code and deliver better software faster.

A modern programming language, powerful tools, an efficient and delightful workflow and the power to create the best user experiences.